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NONA group



  1. W. Andrzejewska, N. Khinevich, P. Obstarczyk, S. Murawka, T. Tamulevičius, J. Olesiak-Bańska, S. Tamulevičius, M. Lewandowski, Towards ultrasensitive biosensors based on virus-like particles and plasmonic surface lattice resonance. Biosens Bioelectron., 275 117143, (2025) link
  2. A Hajda, E Petrusevich, R Zalesny, B Ośmiałowski, J Olesiak-Banska, Novel O, N, O-coordinated organofluoroboron probe for amyloid detection: Insight from experiment and theory. Chem. Commun. (2025) link
  3. A. Hajda, R. Guha, S. M. Copp, J. Olesiak-Banska, Two-photon brightness of NIR-emitting, atomically precise DNA-stabilized silver nanoclusters. Chem. Sci.,16, 1737-1745 (2025) link


  1. P. Obstarczyk, R. Kazan, T. Bürgi, M. Samoć, J. Olesiak-Bańska, Two-Photon and Three-Photon Circular Dichroism of Au38 Gold Nanoclusters Enantiomers. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 146 (51), 35011–35015 (2024) link
  2. M.Kayyil Veedu, A. Hajda, J. Olesiak-Bańska, J. Wenger, Three species multiplexing of fluorescent dyes and gold nanoclusters recovered with fluorescence lifetime correlation spectroscopy. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1868 (6), 130611 (2024) link 
  3. S. Chattopadhyay, M. Lipok, Z. J. Pfaffenberger, J. Olesiak-Bańska, J. S. Biteen, Single-Particle Photoluminescence Measures a Heterogeneous Distribution of Differential Circular Absorbance of Gold Nanoparticle Aggregates near Constricted Thioflavin T Molecules. J. Phys. Chem. Lett, 15 (6) 1618-1622 (2024) link
  4. D. Bain, H. Yuan, A. Pniakowska, A. Hajda, C. Bouanchaud, F. Chirot, C. Comby-Zerbino, V. Gueguen-Chaignon,  V. Bonačić-Koutecký, J. Olesiak-Banska, Ž. Sanader Maršić, R. Antoine, One- and two-photon brightness of proteins interacting with gold. A closer look at gold–insulin conjugates. Nanoscale, 16, 14953-14958 (2024) link
  5. P. Obstarczyk, J. Osmólska, M. Swierczewski, T. Bürgi, M. Samoc and J. Olesiak-Bańska, Enhanced nonlinear optical properties of Au25 nanocluster oligomers linked by bidentate dithiol, J. Mater. Chem. C, 12, 9571-9577 (2024) link
  6. A. Kalitnik, M. Szefczyk, A. W. Wojciechowska, J. W. Wojciechowski, M. Gąsior-Głogowska, J. Olesiak-Bańska, M. Kotulska,Cytotoxic Staphylococcus aureus PSMα3 inhibits the aggregation of human insulin in vitroPhys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 26, 15587-15599. (2024) link
  7. M. Grelich-Mucha,   T. Bachelart,   V. Torbeev,   K. Ożga,   Ł. Berlicki  and  J. Olesiak-Banska, Amyloid Engineering – How Terminal Capping Modifies Morphology and Secondary Structure of Supramolecular Peptide Aggregates, Biomater. Sci., 12, 1590-1602 (2024) link
  8. A. Kalitnik, M. Grelich-Mucha, J. Olesiak-Bańska, Chitosan oligosaccharides inhibit the fibrillation of insulin and disassemble its preformed fibrils, Int. J. Biol. Macromol., 254, 127857 (2024) link
  9. M. Kayyil Veedu, J. OsmólskaA. HajdaJ. Olesiak-Banska, J. Wenger, Unveiling the photoluminescence dynamics of gold nanoclusters with fluorescence correlation spectroscopyNanoscale Adv., 6, 570-577 (2024) link 
  10. K. Szarszoń, A. Mikołajczyk, M. Grelich-Mucha, R. Wieczorek, A. Matera-Witkiewicz, J. Olesiak-Bańska, M. Rowińska-Żyrek, J. Wątły, Bioinorganic chemistry of shepherin II complexes helps to fight Candida albicans?, J. Inorg. Biochem, 253, 112476 (2024) link


  1. A. Hajda, M. Grelich-Mucha, P. Rybczyński, B. Ośmiałowski, R. Zaleśny, J. Olesiak-BańskaBF2-Functionalized Benzothiazole Amyloid Markers: Effect of Donor Substituents on One- and Two-Photon PropertiesACS Appl. Bio Mater., 6, 12, 5676–5684 (2023) link
  2. M. Lipok, P. Obstarczyk, A. Żak, and J. Olesiak-BańskaSingle Gold Nanobipyramids Sensing the Chirality of AmyloidsJ. Phys. Chem. Lett. 14, 49, 11084–11091 (2023) link
  3. J. Wątły, K. Szarszoń, A. Mikołajczyk, M. Grelich-Mucha, A. Matera-Witkiewicz, J. Olesiak-Bańska, and M. Rowińska-Żyrek, Zn(II) Induces Fibril Formation and Antifungal Activity in Shepherin I, An Antimicrobial Peptide from Capsella bursa-pastorisInorg. Chem.,62, 48, 19786–19794 (2023) link
  4. D. Bain, I. Russier-Antoine, H. Yuan, S. Kolay, S. Maclot, C. Moulin, E. Salmon, P. Brevet, A. Pniakowska, J. Olesiak-Bańska, and R. Antoine, Solvent-Induced Aggregation of Self-Assembled Copper–Cysteine Nanoparticles Reacted with Glutathione: Enhancing Linear and Nonlinear Optical PropertiesLangmuir, 39, 46, 16554–16561 (2023) link
  5. M. Lipok, P. Obstarczyk, J. Olesiak-Bańska, Polarization-Sensitive Two-Photon Microscopy for a Label-Free Amyloid Structural Characterization. J. Vis. Exp. (199), e65670 (2023) link
  6. W. Andrzejewska, B. Peplińska, J. Litowczenko, P. Obstarczyk, J. Olesiak-Bańska, S. Jurga, and M. Lewandowski, SARS-CoV-2 Virus-like Particles with Plasmonic Au Cores and S1-Spike Protein CoronasACS Synth. Biol. 12, 8, 2320–2328 (2023) link
  7. A. Pniakowska, M. Samoć, J. Olesiak-Bańska, Strong fluorescence-detected two-photon circular dichroism of chiral gold nanoclustersNanoscale, 15, 8597-8602 (2023) link
  8. P. Obstarczyk, A. Pniakowska, Nonappa, Marcin P. Grzelczak, J. Olesiak-Bańska, Crown Ether-Capped Gold Nanoclusters as a Multimodal Platform for BioimagingACS Omega 8, 12, 11503–11511 (2023) link
  9. M. Lipok, P. Obstarczyk, S. Parzyszek, Y. Wang, M. Bagiński, T. Buergi, W. Lewandowski, J. Olesiak-Bańska, Circularly Polarized Luminescence from Atomically Precise Gold Nanoclusters Helically Assembled by Liquid-Crystal Template, Adv. Optical Mater11, 2201984. (2023) link


  1. D. Dudek, E. Dzień, J. Wątły, A. Matera-Witkiewicz, A. Mikołajczyk, A. Hajda, J. Olesiak-Bańska, M. Rowińska-Żyrek, Zn(II) binding to pramlintide results in a structural kink, fibril formation and antifungal activity. Sci Rep 12, 20543 (2022). link
  2. A. Pniakowska, K. K. Ramankutty, P. Obstarczyk, M. P. Bakulić, Ž. S. Maršić, V. Bonačić-Koutecký, T. Bürgi, J. Olesiak-Banska, Gold-doping effect on two-photon absorption and luminescence of atomically precise silver ligated nanoclustersAngew. Chem. Int. Ed. 61, e202209645 (2022) link
  3. M. Grelich-Mucha, M. Lipok, M. Różycka, M. Samoć, J. Olesiak-BańskaOne- and Two-Photon Excited Autofluorescence of Lysozyme Amyloids, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 13, 4673–4681 (2022) link
  4. P. Obstarczyk, M. Lipok, A. Żak, P. Cwynar and J. Olesiak-Banska, Amyloid fibrils in superstructures – local ordering revealed by polarization analysis of two-photon excited autofluorescence. Biomaterials Science 10, 1554-1561 (2022)  link
  5. A. Pniakowska, J. Olesiak-Banska Plasmonic Enhancement of Two-Photon Excited Luminescence of Gold NanoclustersMolecules 27, 807 (2022) link


  1. R. DeskaP. Obstarczyk, K. Matczyszyn, J. Olesiak-Banska Circular Dichroism of Gold Bipyramid Dimers J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 12, 21, 5208–5213 (2021) link
  2. M. Grelich-Mucha, A. M. Garcia, V. Torbeev, K. Ożga, Ł. Berlicki, J. Olesiak-Banska Autofluorescence of Amyloids Determined by Enantiomeric Composition of Peptides J. Phys. Chem. B 125, 21, 5502–5510 (2021) link
  3. J. Sobska, M. Waszkielewicz, A. Podlesny-Drabiniok, J. Olesiak-Banska, W. Krezel, K. Matczyszyn Gold Nanoclusters Display Low Immunogenic Effect in Microglia Cells Nanomaterials 11, 1066 (2021) link
  4. P. Obstarczyk, M. Lipok, M. Grelich-Mucha, M. Samoć and J. Olesiak-Bańska Two-Photon Excited Polarization-Dependent Autofluorescence of Amyloids as a Label-Free Method of Fibril Organization Imaging J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 12, 1432–1437 (2021) link


  1. N. Saleh, D. Kundu, N. Vanthuyne, J. Olesiak‐Banska, A. Pniakowska, K. Matczyszyn, V. Y. Chang, G. Muller, J. A. Gareth Williams, M. Srebro‐Hooper, J. Autschbach, J. Crassous Dinuclear Rhenium Complexes with a Bridging Helicene-bis-bipyridine Ligand: Synthesis, Structure, and Photophysical and Chiroptical Properties ChemPlusChem 85, 2446 – 2454 (2020) link
  2. M. Waszkielewicz, J. Olesiak–Banska, M. Grzelczak, A. Sánchez–Iglesias, A. Pniakowska, M. Samoc Enhanced one-photon and two-photon excited luminescence of polymer-stabilized AuAg nanoclusters aggregates J. Lumin. 221, 116994 (2020) link


  1. J. Olesiak-Banska, M. Waszkielewicz, P. Obstarczyk, M. Samoc Two-photon absorption and photoluminescence of colloidal gold nanoparticles and nanoclusters Chem. Soc. Rev. 48, 4087-4117 (2019) link
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