Scientific interests:
- Protein misfolding processes
- Atomically-precise and supramolecular nano-chemistry
- Microscopy of bio-materials and its interfaces at nanoscale
- Correlative/multimodal microscopy of protein aggregates and nanostructures
- Nanofabrication, bottom-up and top-down nano-chemistry
- Characterization of linear and nonlinear optical properties of nanostructures
- (2021) Laureate of the Bekker NAWA Programme (edition 2021) – scholarship granted to implement the project entitled “Atomically precise gold nanoclusters functionalized by charged, zwitterionic and supramolecular ligands.”
- (2022) Laureate of the PRELUDIUM (Polish National Science Centre grant) - "Gold nanoclusters capped with crown ethers as smart markers with enhanced functionality for two-photon bio-imaging".
- (2022) Laureate of Jan Mozrzymas scholarship of WCA and the president of Wroclaw - interdisciplinary research.
- (2023) Laureate of FNP (Foundation for Polish Science) START 2023 scholarship – award for scientific achievements in the field of materials science.
- PhD in Chemical Sciences, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology – “Amyloids bio-imaging: two-photon excited autofluorescence and multimodal gold nanoclusters"
- MSc in Material Engineering (Advanced Functional Materials), Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (in cooperation with: Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research, Polish Academy of Sciences) – “Nanostructurization of thermoelectric materials-Heusler phases”
- BEng in Chemical Technology, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology – “Chromatographic system (GC) for analysis of vegetable fatty acids”
Contact: patryk.obstarczyk@pwr.edu.pl