Our Goal

The overall goal of research in the NONA group is to apply optical methods and develop new markers for the detection and imaging of biomolecules: proteins and their aggregates. Especially, we are interested in noble metal nanoparticles as their unique optical properties and sizes comparable with biomolecules allow for improvement in present detection and sensing technologies, as well as inspire brand-new methods. 

In order to achieve this goal we:

  • Investigate structural and intrinsic optical properties of proteins and their assemblies
  • Synthesize and characterize optical properties of plasmonic nanoparticles and atomically-precise nanoclusters
  • Investigate interactions between markers (noble metal nanoparticles and new organic dyes) and biomolecules in order to design the best probes for specific bioimaging and biosensing applications
  • Characterize nonlinear optical properties of biomolecules, dyes and gold nanostructures in a quantitative way
  • Explore linear and nonlinear optical properties which emerge in self-assembled heterostructures of nanoparticles and biomolecules